New-look Midwives magazine set to enhance membership engagement for RCM


Midwives, the membership magazine of the Royal College of Midwives (RCM) is the voice of midwifery, and is a dedicated professional organisation and trade union serving midwives across the UK. Its key objectives are to support those working in the midwifery profession, promoting midwifery and quality maternity services, bench-marking professional standards, and influencing on behalf of members and the women and families they care for. 

Midwives has been published with Redactive for 12 years, and continues to be a key member benefit and communication channel for the RCM. Over the course of our relationship with RCM, we have continued to develop and evolve Midwives and the RCM’s other marketing and events strategies. It’s important that we react accordingly to the profession and continue to deliver the best possible message to midwives.

Recently, it was decided that the publication  would be given a redesign in order to re-engage existing members, and attract future members. A new design would refresh members’ interaction with Midwives and, by extension, the RCM.

A clean, simple design with more white space would make for a more accessible publication, implementing the RCM colours to create a consistent brand identity. In light of this, fewer fonts were used, and body copy was placed on white or block colour background, avoiding dark backgrounds and white text.

The new publication also contains imagery that better illustrates the article content, and calls-to-action appear stronger and more frequently throughout.

We look forward to the reaction of RCM members to their new publication, and hope they continue to enjoy Midwives as a key resource for their professional development.

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