CABE members’ favourite construction engineering journal is now just a click away


We’re always happy to make a client’s wish come true. And no one is more delighted about the very recent launch of than Head of Communications for Chartered Association of Building Engineers (CABE), Laura Richardson.

“For as long as I can remember, whenever I have spoken to CABE members and mentioned that I work on Building Engineer, the first question I get asked is: when is it going to be available online?” she says.

The much-loved journal has existed as a digital page-turner since Redactive relaunched Building Engineer with a bold new look and content strategy in October last year. But the creation and development of a dedicated website was always key to bringing the Association’s media brand in line with its ambitious rebranding and modernisation mission.

“Now we can finally – and proudly – say that Building Engineer is truly part of CABE’s digital transformation,” Laura adds. contains the same in-depth articles and news as the journal, boosted by exclusive online content. All CABE members will be able to access the whole site for free and will no longer have to wait for the next edition to pop through their letterboxes.

Links to further reading and the opportunity to sign up for a Building Engineer newsletter will enable members to keep abreast of industry news and legislative changes. The site will also help CABE to engage with industry stakeholders beyond membership who will now be able to discover its content online.

Redactive Account Director Will Hurrell says: “ is an important part of the strategy we formulated for CABE to give members easy access to highly desirable and relevant professional content. Members can now interact with material from previously printed editions of the Building Engineer journal, as well as new content we previously couldn’t fit in! This content can be segmented by subject area, type, topic etc and reflects the importance CABE have in sharing knowledge with their members and the wider industry.”

Building Engineer editor Rebecca Davies-Nash adds: “Having Building Engineer as an interactive website is just joyous. A digital page-turner never really does justice to a print journal, and the website brings so many more opportunities for interactivity, feedback from members, links to further reading or related articles and news updates in between cycles. Its dynamic content is a great addition to CABE’s membership offering.”

Check out the new website at

CABE is a unifying voice within the construction sector. As a professional body we bring together members, who work across the life-cycle of the built environment specialising across a wide range of disciplines. CABE shares knowledge, raises standards and develops professionals, enabling them to meet the highest standards we all expect of them. By supporting our members CABE improves collaboration and competency ensuring that building meet our essential human needs, today and tomorrow.

Building Engineer journal is an essential read for all professionals in the built environment. Combining a mix of technical articles and the latest industry news Building Engineer keeps readers up-to-date with the latest legislative and technologically developments in the construction sector.

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