TRANSFORM magazine ditches plastic packaging


IEMA (formerly known as the Institute of Environmental Management and Assessment) is dedicated to the environment and sustainability, and is therefore extremely conscious of its material impacts.

When it came to the paper and plastic used for the members’ magazine TRANSFORM, we were careful to research, source and select the right materials. For example, the plastic wrap that TRANSFORM arrives in each month was a clear mismatch with the great coverage the magazine gives to the plastics debate. Finding the right solution involved some tough choices over how we minimise our footprint.

As Tim Balcon, CEO of IEMA, said “The most radical alternative was to abandon the print version and become a digital publication – but we know that for the many members who tell us they really value the physical magazine, that would have been the wrong resolution.

We had to take a hard look at the limited packaging and mailing options open to us; most simply shifted the environmental burden around – which we’re not happy to do – and some were prohibitively expensive. Through collaboration and determination, we’ve found a solution.”

The change that Redactive and IEMA have implemented has been a resounding success. Members have been universal in their approval; TRANSFORM has gone naked!:


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