Redactive wins double silver at Awards Awards 2018


Redactive scooped two silver Awards Awards trophies last Friday afternoon for events with The Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy (CIPFA) and the Great Place to Work® Institute.

The Best Workplaces™ Awards 2017, an event produced annually for the Great Place to Work® Institute, picked up a silver trophy for ‘Best Overall Awards Event’.  The Public Finance Innovation Awards 2017, which Redactive manage on behalf of CIPFA, won a silver trophy for ‘Best New Awards Event’.

We are delighted to have been recognised for the hard work and imagination the teams at CIPFA and Redactive have put into launching these awards. Starting up an awards scheme from scratch was a challenge but a worthwhile one and we have now built on these foundations for a second successful year

Drew Cullen

Director of Public Affairs at CIPFA

Absolutely delighted to get Silver this year. As the client, we were up against some really large, prestigious organisations so it’s good to know that in terms of quality, success and giving our clients a great night and experience we can truly hold our own. And special thanks of course to the Redactive events and marketing teams, without whom none of this would be possible. Their creativity, experience and sheer professionalism make working with them a joy and the event the success that it is

Helen Wright

Head of Marketing and Communications at the Great Place to Work® Institute,

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