Moody’s Analytics

in association with IFoA's The Actuary

Preparing the actuarial profession for a step change​

Client: Moody’s Analytics – experts in risk management, financial intelligence and analytical tools to solve critical business problems.

Media: The Actuary magazine is owned by the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries (IFoA) and has been providing in-depth, authoritative coverage of all things actuarial for over 30 years.

Challenge: To survey a highly targeted segment of the profession to assess their preparedness for IFRS 17 implementation – a new insurance standard set to transform the way actuaries work. The results would inform an original white paper, downloadable from

Collaborating with The Actuary enabled Moody’s Analytics to reach a highly targeted audience in a brand alignment that inspired trust and provoked a robust survey response. It was gratifying to learn that the white paper we produced continued to attract downloads throughout the year.

Editorial team

the actuary

Our results

1 +
1 %

Solution: Partnering with The Actuary enabled Moody’s Analytics to reach an already engaged audience via a media brand they value and trust. Survey questions were agreed with The Actuary editorial team, then promoted via The Actuary magazine, website, weekly e-newsletters and social media channels.

When a robust response was achieved from actuaries working for insurance companies, The Actuary brought on board a specialist writer to analyse the data and use the insights to inform a co-branded white paper. This was also promoted via The Actuary print and digital channels.


250+ downloads of the white paper, which continued to attract interest long after its release date in 2020

This above-expectation result prompted Moody’s Analytics to repeat the exercise the following year with a updated survey to inform a second white paper

To date, since going live in March 2022 this has attracted 235+ downloads

A Moody’s Analytics Linkedin post promoting it achieved an engagement rate of 4.35% (anything above 2% is considered ‘great’)

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